Diamond Polish and Symmetry – What You Need to Know Before Purchasing A Diamond?

Diamond Polishing & Symmetry:

In today’s world diamond is considered as one of the most elegant and celestial blessings for affluent people. It is also considered as a beautiful gesture of expressing love. That’s why before purchasing a diamond becoming aware of diamond polish and symmetry is kind of mandatory. Diamond’s polish and symmetry is the core mechanism which should be known before purchasing a diamond since they remark the quality of a diamond.

Diamond Polishing:

After finishing a diamond cut, a cutter work for attaining a smooth, glass-like surface. the quality of this polish can be referred to as diamond polishing. Therefore Gemologists [the persons who expertise in the art & knowledge of gemstones] again go through the diamond using 10x magnification for ranking polish and thus any remnant of imperfection is found.

diamond polish and symmetry

Though inclusions result of natural polishing, polish scars sharply note human error. But these errors are so trivial that it’s almost next to impossible to identify them with naked eyes. Whereas the scenario is completely different in the case of symmetry. Some polishing patches are so trivial that enormous magnification is needed to identify them. Some common polish marks can be described as,

Abrasion: Gathering of nicks at facet junction.

Lizard Skin: Refers to bumping structure.

Rough Girdle: A girdle that has not been taken care off.

Pit: When inclusions fall out during polishing a small opening is left at the surface.

Nick: Tiny notch left on a girdle junction or facet.

Scratch: A  white line on the diamond’s surface which appears to be transparent.

Burn Scars: When a polishing wheel works on high temperature a whitish haze is left on the surface.

Effects of polishing on a stone: 

Since the people associated with the diamond business are very promising they assure of good diamonds. That’ why the polishing marks not noticeable, and if one is found that doesn’t decrease the brilliance of a diamond. Some people do prefer re-polishing or re-cutting which comes with some demerits. As in repolishing is mostly done on the vintage diamond with ancient cuts. Moreover, repolishing can make the diamond smaller and can even give rise to its price value. However, a person who has a great affection towards diamond will conscious about his purchased one. So he will protective towards it. And an active lifestyle will save any individual from re-cutting or re-polishing.

Diamond Symmetry:

Diamond symmetry can be defined as the conformant and arrangement of facets in a finished diamond. Some common characteristics are examined by the gemologists to ensure symmetry. As in:

*size and shape of the facets

*alignment of the crown and pavilion

*placement of the culet sits compared to the table.

It’s not that all diamonds are given perfect symmetry or it’s a mandatory rule. Sometimes symmetry is overlooked to produce more appealing diamonds. But since it is a parameter for judging the brilliance of a diamond, after 10x magnification gemologists title them as “excellent”,” very good”,” good”,” poor. Thus the excellent and very good ones are selected for selling purpose.

There’s hardly anything which can escape 10x magnification. Simple misshapen facets or girdles can escape naked eyes but they are bound to be framed during the magnification process. Where polish marks are hardly recognized with naked eyes, a  small flaw can be caught with naked eyes. Light passes through the symmetrical diamond without any hindrance and causes them to glow. But in the case of asymmetrical diamonds, the process is hindered which eventually effects in the loss of the sparkle of the diamond.

It’s difficult to attain the desired shape with asymmetrical diamonds as in marquise or pear-shaped diamond. So to attain fancy and elegant looking diamond one must work his jeweler to attain perfect symmetry. And for that reason, one must have sufficient knowledge regarding polishing and symmetry.



Symmetry and polishing both are the delequent part which ensures the brilliance of a diamond. So it’s kind of difficult to overlook one over another. But when u want to to purchase a good one but within a limited price then must get yourself ready for sacrificing at least one criteria.

Some diamond shapes are so critical that it’s almost impossible to attain symmetry with those shapes. Sometimes symmetry even lessens the appealing sight of the diamond. On the other hand, even a simple polishing scar can affect the brilliance of a diamond. That’s why experts choose high polishing rate over high symmetry rate. However, it can be said that if one is struggling with the budget then he must keep in mind that he is looking for the high polishing rate.

Before purchasing a diamond piece an individual should gather all the knowledge that would lead him to the purchase of a brilliant piece. Since symmetry and polishing are keynotes to determine the brilliance of a diamond piece the acquisition of knowledge regarding them is very important. And too much hard work is not even needed for that. Even if an amateur wants to buy a piece he can gather every knowledge by education him about diamonds. Moreover especially of its characters as in symmetry and polishing of diamond. Thus he can learn about all the brilliance of a diamond piece which will lead him towards the purchasing of a beautiful and elegant diamond.